Basket of bread and pastry

The little ones in the house will be able to fill this pretty basket with bread and pastry products for their friends!

Wooden chest with construction surface

This creative storage chest allows little ones to create, play and display their creations.

Arkitektë të Vegjël

Blloqet e ndërtimit janë një lodër edukative. Blloqet e ndërtimit të tapës i mësojnë të vegjlit për shkakun dhe efektin,

Set Pikniku

Me këtë set Hape, të vegjlit e shtëpisë do të mund të përgatisin dhe të shijojnë një ditë të mrekullueshme


This wooden and metal musical instrument is suitable for small hands. I

Kruselings doll "Michael"

In addition to being guardians of the Dream World, the Kruselings have their own hobbies in the real world

Kruselings doll "Chloe"

In addition to being guardians of the Dream World, the Kruselings have their hobbies

Doll carrier

This doll carrier is just like the real ones! The little ones will be able to transport their

6 in 1 music maker

If your little one dreams of being a musician, without a doubt the HAPE 6-in-1 musical children's guitar is the answer. Includes a tambourine, a xylophone, a drum and much more.

Vegetables basket

These veggies are cute! Now the little ones can do the shopping and prepare great delicacies

Tasty proteins

Protein is the most important food for building muscle. With this set of beef, chicken, fish and bacon you can prepare very tasty dishes.

Lego “Star Wars”

Help the Rebel Alliance take on the Empire with this buildable articulated figure of Sergeant Jyn Erso.

Lego "Star Wars Imperial Death"

Defend the elite of the Empire with this buildable articulated figure of a Death Trooper.

Lego”Star Wars K-2SO”

Infiltrate the Empire with the buildable articulated figure of K-2SO. This former Imperial security droid features

Peshore druri

Kjo peshore është e domosdoshme në kuzhinën apo supermarketin e të voglit tuaj. Kuzhinierët tonë të vogël aspirantë thjesht mund