Bread and pastry food set

A set full of bakery and pastry products so well made, you would eat them! They look delicious and very realistic.

Meat and fish set

Meat and fish set, perfect for the little ones to show off their culinary talent! They will be able to choose between a juicy barbecue

Pet beauty shop

Dress and undress your dog in the latest fashion with this adorable kit!

Translucent trays

Set with 4 transparent trays to classify sizes, colors and shapes, compatible with all kinds of transparent accessorie

Basket of bread and pastry

The little ones in the house will be able to fill this pretty basket with bread and pastry products for their friends!

Vegetables basket

These veggies are cute! Now the little ones can do the shopping and prepare great delicacies

Crank-powered train

Don't buy more batteries! By turning the crank on this train, you can sprint down the tracks without the need for batteries.

Cotton doll blanket

An original Miniland Dolls cotton blanket in different colors for both genders

Cotton doll blanket

An original Miniland Dolls cotton blanket in different colors for both genders

Arkitektë të Vegjël

Blloqet e ndërtimit janë një lodër edukative. Blloqet e ndërtimit të tapës i mësojnë të vegjlit për shkakun dhe efektin,

Lego “Star Wars”

Help the Rebel Alliance take on the Empire with this buildable articulated figure of Sergeant Jyn Erso.

Set Pikniku

Me këtë set Hape, të vegjlit e shtëpisë do të mund të përgatisin dhe të shijojnë një ditë të mrekullueshme

Tasty proteins

Protein is the most important food for building muscle. With this set of beef, chicken, fish and bacon you can prepare very tasty dishes.

Play money

Banknotes and coins to play and have fun. This toy helps identify and understand the value of money,

Peshore druri

Kjo peshore është e domosdoshme në kuzhinën apo supermarketin e të voglit tuaj. Kuzhinierët tonë të vogël aspirantë thjesht mund