Mold for sand

The little ones will be able to build the Greek Parthenon temple with these beach molds.

Hand digger,green

Half shovel, half bucket: With this handy excavator, any job is done in a jiffy.


Kaleidoscope with a nice design of shapes and colors.

Libër druri me kafshë

Ky Baby’s Farm Animal Book nga Hape bën një libër të parë të bukur me figura. Prezantoni të voglin tuaj

Blue beach piercer

Spin, spin and never stop spinning! If the little ones give the drill enough turns, they may discover water or oil underground.

Puzzle me kafshë të xhunglës

Merrni kafshët e lezetshme nga hundët e tyre të trasha dhe zgjidhni këtë enigmë shumëngjyrëshe. Inkurajoni koordinimin dorë-sy dhe aftësitë

Cat footprint stilts

With these stilts in the shape of climbing shoes it is even more fun to walk on the beach

Growing gardeners greenhouse

Those who are passionate about nature will be able to create their own greenhouse. This wonderful game is a great way

Puzzle me kafshë

Ju pëlqejn kafshët? Mësoni më shumë rreth kafshëve dhe habitateve të tyre natyrore me këtë enigmë shumëngjyrëshe dhe tërheqëse. Mosha

Hook n'look snail

This beautiful wooden snail will be the perfect ally for babies. Ideal for catching, pulling, biting

Set Artistik me Lule

Të vegjlit do të krijojnë koleksionin e tyre të artit me këtë set shtypi lulesh! Përfshin bojë dhe një furçë

Basket of bread and pastry

The little ones in the house will be able to fill this pretty basket with bread and pastry products for their friends!

Vegetables basket

These veggies are cute! Now the little ones can do the shopping and prepare great delicacies

Crank-powered train

Don't buy more batteries! By turning the crank on this train, you can sprint down the tracks without the need for batteries.

Wooden coloful blocks

These colorful wooden building blocks invite little ones to many hours of play!