Riddle Cube game

Riddle's cube is perfect for playing alone or racing with your friends.

Kostum balerine

Ky kostum fantastik është i përsosur për të kaluar pasditet më të mira të jetës tuaj duke luajtur si balerinë,

Female anatomy puzzle

This puzzle shows in an illustrative and easily understandable way the anatomy of the female human body,

Tasty proteins

Protein is the most important food for building muscle. With this set of beef, chicken, fish and bacon you can prepare very tasty dishes.

Play money

Banknotes and coins to play and have fun. This toy helps identify and understand the value of money,

Insulated food jar

Perfect for holding those hot or cold nutritious lunches, the 3 Sprouts Stainless Steel Food Jar is made of food-grade stainless steel

Peshore druri

Kjo peshore është e domosdoshme në kuzhinën apo supermarketin e të voglit tuaj. Kuzhinierët tonë të vogël aspirantë thjesht mund

Pasta set

Here's everything a little chef needs to prepare and serve his favorite meal; Pasta.

Vincent Van Gogh puzzle

This artistic set is dedicated to the Dutch painter Vicent Van Gogh. On the set you will be able to represent his great artistic work

Gustav Klimt puzzle

This artistic set is dedicated to the fabulous painter Gustav Klimt. 

Lokomotiva me helikë

The fun propeller locomotive is the combination of an airplane and a train, and it comes to add more fun to the play experiences!

Rainbow Xylophone

Little musicians will love this colorful puzzle-like xylophone, which will also help them practice hand-eye coordination

Kruselings doll "Joy"

In addition to being guardians of the Dream World, the Kruselings have their hobbies

Kruselings doll "Chloe"

In addition to being guardians of the Dream World, the Kruselings have their hobbies

Kruselings doll "Michael"

Micheal is from Berlin (Germany) and he loves spending time with his friends playing or doing sports.