Arkitektë të Vegjël

Blloqet e ndërtimit janë një lodër edukative. Blloqet e ndërtimit të tapës i mësojnë të vegjlit për shkakun dhe efektin,

Blloqe Ndërtimi

Blloqet e ndërtimit janë një lodër edukative. Blloqet e ndërtimit të tapës i mësojnë të vegjlit për shkakun dhe efektin,

Construction set "Quadrilla Music Motion"

Hape Quadrilla is a building system run with high quality wooden marble. Provides quality time for the whole family to play together.

World globe construction game

This Globe by Architetrix is ??specially designed for the most creative builders! Thanks to its nodes and rods,

Wooden chest with construction surface

This creative storage chest allows little ones to create, play and display their creations.

Building surface toy organizer

This creative storage unit allows little ones to create, play and display their creations.

Lego “Star Wars”

Help the Rebel Alliance take on the Empire with this buildable articulated figure of Sergeant Jyn Erso.

Lego "Star Wars Imperial Death"

Defend the elite of the Empire with this buildable articulated figure of a Death Trooper.

Lego”Star Wars K-2SO”

Infiltrate the Empire with the buildable articulated figure of K-2SO. This former Imperial security droid features